Terms & Conditions
Van: Wilms & Co B.V. Hof van Delftlaan 13, Delft, Nederland. KVK (Kamer van Koophandel) nummer: 73411973 en BTW nummer: NL859523469B01, hierna te noemen: Wilms & Co.
In deze algemene voorwaarden worden de hierna volgende termen in de navolgende betekenis gebruikt, tenzij uitdrukkelijk anders is aangegeven: Wilms & Co: de gebruiker van de algemene voorwaarden;ook wel leverancier genoemd. Afnemer: de wederpartij van Wilms & Co, handelend in de uitoefening van beroep of bedrijf. Overeenkomst: de overeenkomst tussen Wilms & Co en afnemer.
Artikel 1
1. De bepalingen van deze algemene voorwaarden gelden voor alle offertes, werkzaamheden, opdrachten en overeenkomsten tussen Wilms & Co en afnemer, voor zover van deze voorwaarden niet door partijen uitdrukkelijk en schriftelijk is afgeweken.
2. De onderhavige voorwaarden zijn eveneens van toepassing op alle overeenkomsten met Wilms & Co, voor de uitvoering waarvan derden dienen te worden betrokken.
3. Algemene voorwaarden van de afnemer zijn slechts van toepassing indien uitdrukkelijk en schriftelijk is overeengekomen dat deze met uitsluiting van deze voorwaarden op de overeenkomst van toepassing zijn. In geval van leemtes gelden deze algemene voorwaarden ter aanvulling.
4. Indien een of meerdere bepalingen in deze algemene voorwaarden nietig zijn of vernietigd mochten worden, blijven de overige bepalingen van deze algemene voorwaarden volledig van toepassing. Wilms & Co en afnemers zullen alsdan overleggen teneinde nieuwe bepalingen ter vervanging van de nietige of vernietigde bepalingen overeen te komen, waarbij indien en voor zover mogelijk het doel en de strekking van de oorspronkelijke bepaling zoveel mogelijk in acht wordt genomen.
Offerte en offertekosten
Artikel 2
1. Aan het doen van een beknopt voorstel voor een bijdrage en aan een oriënterend gesprek zijn geen kosten verbonden. Dit gesprek heeft een maximale duur van twee uur, tenzij anders is overeengekomen.
2. Indien het om een uitgewerkt voorstel gaat, dat kenmerken van een werkplan bevat, indien voor het maken van een offerte een promotieplan, projectplan opgesteld moet worden of indien de offerte anderszins meer dan twee uur werk vraagt, dan kan Wilms & Co deze werkzaamheden in kosten brengen bij de afnemer, conform uurtarief dat Wilms & Co normaliter voor opdrachten rekent.
3. Indien een oriënterend gesprek overgaat in een werkbespreking dan kan Wilms & Co deze uren in rekening brengen bij afnemer. Die overgang dient gemeld te worden.
4. Stelt de afnemer prijs op een verslag van het gesprek, met eventuele voorstellen voor een vervolgbespreking, dan geldt het gebruikelijke door Wilms & Co in rekening te brengen uurtarief.
5. De ideeën en de toelichting daarop, die in de offerte of het voorstel voor een bijdrage zijn vervat blijven eigendom van Wilms & Co. Indien deze ideeën uit de offerte/ het voorstel door de afnemer toch gebruikt gaan worden, dan is Wilms & Co gerechtigd om 50% van de waarde van het geoffreerde tarief in rekening te brengen bij de opdrachtgever.
6. Elke offerte is vrijblijvend en geldt voor tien dagen. Ook een offerte die in competitie wordt uitgebracht is vrijblijvend. De offerte in competitie geldt tot een beslissing in competitie wordt genomen, maar niet langer dan twee maanden.
Uitvoering van de overeenkomst
Artikel 3
1. Wilms & Co zal de overeenkomst naar beste inzicht en vermogen en overeenkomstig de eisen van goed vakmanschap uitvoeren. Een en ander op grond van de op dat moment bekende stand der wetenschap.
2. Indien en voor zover een goede uitvoering van de overeenkomst dit vereist, heeft Wilms & Co het recht bepaalde werkzaamheden te laten verrichten door derden.
3. De afnemer draagt er zorg voor dat alle gegevens, waarvan Wilms & Co aangeeft dat deze noodzakelijk zijn of waarvan de afnemer redelijkerwijs behoort te begrijpen dat deze noodzakelijk zijn voor het uitvoeren van de overeenkomst, tijdig aan Wilms & Co worden verstrekt. Indien de voor de uitvoering van de overeenkomst benodigde gegevens niet tijdig aan Wilms & Co zijn verstrekt, heeft Wilms & Co het recht de uitvoering van de overeenkomst op te schorten en / of de uit de vertraging voortvloeiende extra kosten volgens de gebruikelijke tarieven van Wilms & Co aan de afnemer in rekening te brengen.
4. Wilms & Co is niet aansprakelijk voor schade, in welke hoedanigheid dan ook, indien Wilms & Co is uitgegaan van door de afnemer verstrekte onjuiste en / of onvolledige gegevens, tenzij deze onjuistheid of onvolledigheid voor Wilms & Co kenbaar behoorde te zijn.
5. Indien is overeengekomen dat de overeenkomst in fasen zal worden uitgevoerd kan Wilms & Co de uitvoering van die onderdelen die tot een volgende fase behoren opschorten tot dat de afnemer de resultaten van de daaraan voorafgaande fase schriftelijk heeft goedgekeurd.
6. Indien door afnemer of door Wilms & Co ingeschakelde derden in het kader van de opdracht werkzaamheden worden verricht op de locatie van afnemer of een door afnemer aangewezen locatie, draagt afnemer zorg voor de door die medewerkers in redelijkheid gewenste faciliteiten en wel voor eigen rekening van afnemer.
Artikel 4
1. In de offerte, de opdrachtbevestiging en de factuur wordt onderscheid gemaakt tussen honorariumkosten, reiskosten, verblijfskosten, directe bureaukosten, andere materiele kosten en kosten van derden.
Artikel 5
1. Zolang de opdracht niet naar tevredenheid is afgewikkeld en/of nog niet geheel betaald is, blijven alle rechten bij Wilms & Co.
2. Indien als gevolg van omstandigheden bij de afnemer de opdracht wordt gewijzigd, uitgesteld of ingetrokken, dan is Wilms & Co niet verplicht de werkzaamheden te voltooien. Wilms & Co heeft echter wel recht op betaling voor de verrichte arbeid en op een schadevergoeding voor het niet uitgevoerde deel van de opdracht. Deze schadevergoeding zal minimaal 10% van de totaalfactuur bedragen, waarbij schatting hiervan door Wilms & Co bindend is. Wilms & Co zal in een dergelijk geval tekst en uitleg geven.
Artikel 6
1. De afnemer aanvaardt de aansprakelijkheid die voortvloeit uit de geleverde bijdragen en diensten. Hij vrijwaart Wilms & Co voor onjuistheden, onzorgvuldigheden, tenzij er sprake is van opzet, grove schuld of ernstige nalatigheid van de kant van Wilms & Co.
2. De afnemer vrijwaart Wilms & Co van iedere aansprakelijkheid ten gevolge van weglatingen, toevoegingen of andere niet-goedgekeurde wijzigingen in het geleverde materiaal. Hij vrijwaart Wilms & Co ook van aansprakelijkheid als gevolg van te vroege of te late publicatie indien over het tijdstip van publicatie afspraken zijn gemaakt.
3. Wilms & Co is slechts aansprakelijk te stellen tot een bedrag waarop zijn beroeps- en/of aansprakelijkheidsverzekering maximaal uitkeert.
Artikel 7
1. Partijen zijn niet gehouden tot het nakomen van enige verplichting, indien zij daartoe gehinderd worden als gevolg van een omstandigheid die niet is te wijten aan schuld, en noch krachtens de wet, een rechtshandeling of in het verkeer geldende opvattingen voor hun rekening komt.
2. Onder overmacht wordt in deze algemene voorwaarden verstaan naast hetgeen daaromtrent in de wet en jurisprudentie wordt begrepen, alle van buiten komende oorzaken, voorzien of niet-voorzien, waarop Wilms & Co geen invloed kan uitoefenen, doch waardoor gebruiker niet in staat is zijn verplichtingen na te komen.
3. Wilms & Co heeft ook het recht zich op overmacht te beroepen, indien de omstandigheid die (verdere) nakoming verhindert, intreedt nadat Wilms & Co zijn verbintenis had moeten nakomen.
4. Partijen kunnen gedurende de periode dat de overmacht voortduurt de verplichtingen uit de overeenkomst opschorten. Indien deze periode langer duurt dan twee maanden is ieder der partijen gerechtigd de overeenkomst te ontbinden, zonder verplichting tot vergoeding van schade aan de andere partij.
5. Voor zover Wilms & Co ten tijde van het intreden van overmacht inmiddels gedeeltelijk zijn verplichtingen uit de overeenkomst is nagekomen of deze zal kunnen nakomen, en aan het nagekomen respectievelijk na te komen gedeelte zelfstandige waarde toekomt, is Wilms & Co gerechtigd om het reeds nagekomen respectievelijk na te komen gedeelte separaat te factureren. Afnemer is gehouden deze factuur te voldoen als ware het een afzonderlijke overeenkomst.
Artikel 8
1. Beide partijen zijn verplicht tot geheimhouding van alle vertrouwelijke informatie die zij in het kader van hun overeenkomst van elkaar of uit andere bron hebben verkregen. Informatie geldt als vertrouwelijk als dit door een partij is medegedeeld of als dit voortvloeit uit de aard van de informatie.
2. Indien, op grond van een wettelijke bepaling of een rechterlijke uitspraak, Wilms & Co gehouden is vertrouwelijke informatie aan door de wet of de bevoegde rechter aangewezen derden mede te verstrekken, en Wilms & Co zich ter zake niet kan beroepen op een wettelijk dan wel door de bevoegde rechter erkend of toegestaan recht van verschoning, dan is Wilms & Co niet gehouden tot schadevergoeding of schadeloosstelling en is de wederpartij niet gerechtigd tot ontbinding van de overeenkomst op grond van enige schade, hierdoor ontstaan.
3. Schaadt een der partijen haar geheimhoudingsplicht, dan is zij schadeplichtig.
Anti-corruptie en belangenverstrengeling
Artikel 9
1. Wilms & Co duldt op geen enkele wijze corruptie en pogingen daartoe, in welke vorm dan ook. Hiervoor geldt een zero-tolerance beleid.
2. Registratie en aangifte zal geschieden indien sprake is of een vermoeden bestaat van onoorbare praktijken zoals en niet gelimiteerd tot: omkoping, informele c.q. ongeregistreerde of niet te traceren (gedeeltelijke) betaling, betaling die overschrijdt wat gefactureerd is, voordeel van kennis deling, gedwongen tegenprestaties.
3. In geval er van een mogelijke en te voorziene belangenverstrengeling sprake kan zijn zal Wilms & Co te allen tijde transparantie betichten richting alle partijen, ook al leidt tot beeindiging van een samenwerking of contract.
Artikel 10
1. Voor aanvang van de opdracht maken Wilms & Co en afnemer afspraken over de betalingstermijnen. Afhankelijk van de duur van de opdracht, ontvangt Wilms & Co een overeengekomen percentage van het totale overeengekomen factuurbedrag, van de afnemer bij opdrachtverstrekking.
2. Bij omvangrijke opdrachten is eenmaal per maand betaling verschuldigd naar rato van het geleverde werk.
3. De betalingstermijn is 14 dagen na de factuurdatum (tenzij daar in overleg van wordt afgeweken, dit dient dan door de afnemer schriftelijk te worden aangevraagd en indien Wilms & Co hiermee akkoord gaat te worden vastgelegd tussen Wilms & Co en afnemer).
4. Het factuurbedrag kan door Wilms & Co bij te late betaling verhoogd worden met 2% kredietbeperkingstoeslag.
5. Bij betalingen langer dan twee maanden na de factuurdatum is de wettelijke rente over het hele factuurbedrag inclusief toeslagen verschuldigd vanaf de datum die twee maanden na de factuurdatum ligt, zonder dat daarvoor een nadere ingebrekestelling nodig is.
6. Na het verstrijken van de betalingstermijn staat het Wilms & Co vrij om zonder nadere ingebrekestelling derden te belasten met incassomaatregelen.
7. Alle met de incasso van gefactureerde bedragen gemoeide kosten (met inbegrip van de buitengerechtelijke incassokosten) bedragen minimaal 15% van de hoofdsom met een minimum van € 75,-, alles exclusief verschuldigde belastingen.
8. In geval van naheffing van loonheffingen, hetzij bij opdrachtgever hetzij bij opdrachtnemer, zal de ene partij de andere partij binnen één week na ontvangst van de betreffende aanslag middels een aangetekende brief informeren, opdat beide partijen hun financiële belang bij het indienen van een bezwaarschrift zoveel mogelijk kunnen borgen. Zij zullen hun handelwijze in dat verband zoveel mogelijk onderling afstemmen. Indien een van de partijen deze meldingsplicht verzaakt en derhalve de bezwaartermijn verstreken is, zal de financiële derving van naheffing, eventuele bijkomende administratie- en juridische kosten en boetes verhaald worden.
Artikel 11
1. De rechter in de vestigingsplaats van Wilms & Co is bij uitsluiting bevoegd van geschillen kennis te nemen, tenzij de kantonrechter bevoegd is. Niettemin heeft Wilms & Co het recht het geschil voor te leggen aan de volgens de wet bevoegde rechter.
2. Partijen zullen eerst een beroep op de rechter doen nadat zij zich tot het uiterste hebben ingespannen een geschil in onderling overleg te beslechten.
Responsibility & Ethics
Artikel 12
1. In handelen streeft Wilms & Co ernaar om in alle redelijkheid bewust om te gaan met mogelijke impact op milieu en samenleving, kiezend voor alternatief en duurzaam vervoer en materiaal waar mogelijk.
2. Ethisch handelen en veiligheid, zowel fysiek als mentaal, is voor Wilms & Co een essentiele voorwaarde om leveringen te accepteren én om deze te geven.
Artikel 13
Wilms & Co heeft een (Engelstalige) privacyverklaring voor de website www.jaapwilms.com opgenomen, te vinden onder de Privacy Policy. Indien enige gelden de bepalingen zoals hieronder beschreven in de Nederlandstalige Algemene Voorwaarden, artikel 11.
Aan Wilms & Co verstrekte NAW(+)-gegevens die zijn verkregen door (in het verleden) persoonlijke contacten die hebben plaatsgevonden en/of informatie-aanvragen voor diensten die door Wilms & Co worden aangeboden via enig kanaal worden opgenomen en bewaard. Wilms & Co zet deze gegevens in om informatie te verstrekken over producten of diensten van opdrachtgevers. Wilms & Co verstrekt gegevens nooit aan derden. Conform de Wet Bescherming Persoonsgegevens (WBP) gebruiken wij deze gegevens voor de juiste verzending van eventuele publicaties via onze kanalen én om personen op de hoogte te houden van ander(e) interessant(e) nieuws/aanbiedingen. Om informatie te verstrekken kijkt Wilms & Co of de boodschap interessant is voor de ontvanger. Alleen dan zal zij informatie toesturen. Wilms & Co bewaakt nauwkeurig en selectief het gebruik van de gegevens. Indien de geadresseerde informatie niet meer wilt ontvangen of zijn/haar data wil verwijderen, kan hij/zij zich hiervoor te allen tijde afmelden door het sturen van een email naar jaap@jaapwilms.com.
Let’s start something
Have you got a challenge with CX? You would like to learn what it is all about with a Masterclass or a workshop? YOu see an opportunity to grow as a team through CX? Or you just want to challenge yourself if you’re covering it all?
- A trusted Sparring Partner to create your CX plan with you, for you
- Someone to fire up your team with knowledge, skills, a joint framework and bucket loads of energy and confidence
- Inspiration, expertise and decades experience in global corporate companies
- The basics to advanced CX and ultimately (the hardest thing to do) engaging the organisation
I got your back. I’ll support you and help you to be best-in-class. Just for you, so you can shine. Or put me in front of a group or the entire organisation. We’ll discuss, you decide.
So let’s connect, exchange and share ideas. With a coffee, or online via Teams or Zoom (and stilll have that coffee).
Mail at jaap@jaapwilms.com and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible!

Jaap Wilms
+31 (0) 6 416 77 374
No, no! The adventures first, explanations take such a dreadful time.Lewis Carroll
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
If you want to bring a fundamental change in people’s belief and behavior...you need to create a community around them, where those new beliefs can be practiced and expressed and nurtured.Malcolm Gladwell
The best way to build momentum and create a movement is to tell a good story.Daron Roberts
The tipping point is that magic moment when an idea, trend, or social behavior crosses a threshold, tips, and spreads like wildfire.Malcolm Gladwell
I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living.Dr. Seuss
Everyone will think it’s stupid! Everyone says it’s impossible!’ Guess what? Everyone works in the balloon factory and everyone is wrong.Seth Godin
People yearn for change, they relish being part of a movement, and they talk about things that are remarkable, not boring.Seth Godin
The most basic way to get someone’s attention is this: Break a pattern.Chip and Dan Heath
Storytellers broaden our minds: engage, provoke, inspire, and ultimately, connect us.Robert Redford
Do you think earth was created by an accountant? Fire and Chaos is what started everything!Robert Redford
I am not serving a menu. I am serving a story. I am serving a conversation and I want you to talk back to me.Dominique Crenn
Chef 3 Michelin star restaurant Atelier Crenn, San Francisco
That's the whole problem with science. You've got a bunch of empiricists trying to describe things of unimaginable wonder.Bill Watterson
Calvin & Hobbes
Starting (*) for BOL.com and Bertelsmann I hosted international Customer Service programmes for renowned companies like UGC Cinemas and Microsoft, working and living in Germany, France and the United Kingdom. I then joined T-Mobile in The Netherlands to initiate proven successful European CX programmes. Becoming a Management Consultant in Customer Experience Thought Leadership at Atos Origin I then went on to leading insurer Nationale-Nederlanden. Responsible for numerous Customer Experience programmes, this culminated in designing and running the acclaimed best-in-class NPS Programme. Initially for The Netherlands, it quickly became so succesful that the next step was to be Head of Global NPS for 13 countries throughout Europe and Japan that are NN Group (formerly known as ING Insurance).
On becoming Wilms & Co
Throughout all this I was becoming a frequently asked key note speaker on air and on stage, appearing in articles like Forrester and many more, got all sorts of interesting (and less so) certificates, and revelled in sparring and sharing ideas on CX and NPS with numerous companies at home and abroad. From Spanish airlines to Danish make-up, from British luxury smartphones to Dutch publishers and even the (odd one-out) South-Korean government. I even engaged in turning chocolate tablets into something NPS-ish, and much more stuff.
I loved it. And realized my next step. I founded Wilms & Co (originally called Wilms ‘n zo) and started my own consultancy business in cold and sunny January 2016.
To share expertise and experience. Support CX people to be great. To do things quite differently in the CX realm. Change what CX is about. I won’t be going anywhere else from now on.
(*) Well, actually…
Actually originally I’m an Art Historian (an Iconologist even) and started in London at the British Museum, The Wallace Collection and Christie’s. Working with 17th century satirical manuscripts, ancient Peruvian cultures and world renowned paintings ranging from Fragonard and Hals to Van Dyck and Tintoretto I decided that although I loved it, I also sought a quicker pace. My expertise and love for visuals, storytelling, contextual timelines and history often still shine through though.
To round things off
Whilst we’re on the topic of degrees, I’m a Certified Customer Experience Professional (CCXP), a Satmetrix Certificed NPS Associate © and Global CEM. I also obtained a Master in Marketing (Cum Laude) and a Master in Art History, and I am a seasoned Project and Programme manager in international corporates. There are more courses and interesting stuff, but just check my LinkedIn. I live in the Dutch city of Delft now with my beautiful wife and three kids. I drink my coffee black, and love anchovy and Roquefort. But ah well, those cannot not be loved.
The story of the original NPS Programme of NN is one about risking a novel approach, realising a solid strategy, pursuing innovative design and focusing on creating a grassroots movement. Being highly successful (with an increase of +28 nps points, 6,500 fte involved, and a response rate of 38% to show for at – mind you – an insurer) it’s a great story with stars, scars, surprises, setbacks and a whole lot more.
Autumn 2011 I started to design and run the NPS Programme for leading insurer Nationale-Nederlanden. One thing struck me. Studying all the material there was around CX, NPS and everything else there was no doubt there was a lot to be dealt with around functionality, systems and reports. But… hang on.
Shouldn’t it be about getting people on board? Using this fantastic way of connecting to customers’ stories to get people on the inside emotionally involved as well?
Considering all the standard functional, boring, non-inspiring flowchart templates, tick-the-box lists and models (you know which I mean) I realised one vital ingredient was sorely missing. So I spent a great deal of time to design a new approach that focused primarily on engaging the business. More in particular: “How can we grab everyone’s attention”?
From the outset this was the focus: tapping into human behaviour. To educate, stimulate and enthuse. But also to provoke, use scarcity and puzzlement. To get in people’s heads. To create an inspiring culture that stimulates customer experience initiatives throughout the organisation.
It worked beautifully. And led to an acclaimed best-in-class NPS Programme.
Global NPS Programme
Following the national success of the programme I then served as Head of Global NPS. This time it was about restyling and modernizing the existing NPS programmes for 12 countries throughout Europe and Japan that are NN Group (formerly known as ING Investment), increasing the FTE count to about 12,000.
This meant streamlining and modernizing the basics such as the systems, contracts, processes and so on. And it also meant breaking through (political) barriers, driving change in attitude towards the possibilities of an evolved NPS philosophy, one that has grown and expanded and enables companies to engage with customers in new ways, as well as using it to empower and enthuse employees.
A great time, diving into the many different motivational aspects of NPS across all those areas and all different cultures. Ranging from incorporating Asian Manga-style and Spanish femininity, to dealing with Polish versus Turkish cultures, and many discussions with colleagues abroad and many of those became true friends.

This CX Masterclass makes you more aware of that what you achieve by improving customer experience, besides this it brings so much more fun to your daily job.Debby Jansen
CCO, Levi9
This masterclass was great for having a broad understanding of the basis of CX: highly recommended!!Fulvio Marfoni
Global Knowledge Management Strategies, HP
If you want a clear overview of all aspects and topics concerning CX this is definitely a must follow!Ellen van Caillie
Customer Experience & Retention Expert, Eneco Belgium
A perfect preperation for the CCXP grade!Alex Terpstra
Head of Customer Experience, ABN AMRO
This course is just what you need if you are searching for a program that doesn’t take months of your time but covers everything you need to grow as a CX leader and prepare you for the CCXP exam. It goes fast but it’s a blast.Henk Jager
CX Manager, Cendris
I would tell them just do it. Actually did last night. I cannot put a price on the experience but I can tell you it is more than what we paid! Yes you can use this as a testimonial.Eric Kluitenberg
CARE Operations Manager, Vistaprint
Just take the class, it will provide the necessary theoretical and strategic background you need to really make a change as a CEX professional.Sylvie Thibo
Customer Experience Expert, Eneco Belgium
The CX Masterclass brings cohesion between the six most important CX activities which helps you to improve your role as a CX professional. With great enthusiasm, compelling stories and a lot of inspiration Jaap made this 2 days Masterclass a memorable experience.Jean-Paul Tremio
Entrepreneur, JPT
Just go, learn and have fun, it's worth every penny and every minute!Natasja Seigers
Online marketingadviseur, Will & Co B.V.
You do incredible work. You are unmissable, connect to strategy, to customers, increase value, and more. Yet, the organisation is… only mildly interested. For all your plans and ambitions, you will only succeed by getting the organisation to rally behind you and claim a strong position. Learn to craft your story, create impact and be a leader.
Realising it isn't always about telling the truth...will open up all sorts of possibilities.
I am not saying you should lie. I am saying that all the facts and numbers and scores should not blind you from your goal to create a successful initiative or programme. Your story should be clear and compelling. And that means it should not be unnecessarily weighed down or hazy because you want to add e-ve-ry single detail…
Successful initiatives create an inspiring and thus sustainable culture. One that is not reliant only on facts, but is driven by a belief in the bigger story and an appealing movement to join.
Using the right story brings your initiative to life. It sets you apart from the bland and boring rest. That’s your goal. Because to be succesful you plainly need to capture the audience’s attention and imagination. Showing them why it’s interesting to them, sparking interest with the insights or progress you’ve made. Drawing them in with an appealing aspiration. Giving them something they’ll remember and talk about. And that is doable. You just need to design it.

These slides are from the
Business Storytelling Masterclass
Of course you are unique. Even extraordinary. But it is hard to create the story what your team, your programme or initiative is all about. There is a good reason the number one question I get asked is ‘How do I make it work in the organisation?’ You need a hell of a story.
Storytelling is vital. And a skillset underestimated in business environments. Yet, it is crucial for success. To find your own compass, to rally people behind you, and to show your organisation your expertise and tangible success.
Luckily, we have loads and loads of expertise and experience what makes a good story. It is part of human nature. We are wired to recognise a story that resonates. From the very early days of tribal sharing we’ve been taught, scared, moved, thrilled by stories. The native American cannibalistic spirit Wendigo scares children not to venture in the woods in the dark. As do similar stories in Aztec, Inuit, Amazonian or Scandinavian cultures and more…
The examples of how to build a fantastic story that resonates and taps into audiences imagination are endless. From Charlie Chaplin to Scheherazade, the protagonist of 1,001 nights excelling in telling cliff-hanger stories to avoid being beheaded. To the lessons we can learn from Fortnite and Magnum Ice Cream with its pop-up stores. To Walt Disney’s invention of the MultiPlane Camera that revolutionised his animation and storytelling. To the Hero’s Journey that sets a mold for anything from the Old English epic poem Beowulf to Luke Skywalker’s endeavours in Star Wars. And to the endless wisdom of Ron Swanson…..
We are all hard-wired to stories. Good stories get our attention. So how to use this in business?
Let’s dive in how we make decisions. Simply relaying facts and numbers doesn’t excite. Neuroscience imagery shows only two parts of the brain lit up. Tell a good story however… and no less than eight different areas spark. All of sudden touch, movement, scent, sound, colour, and shape are added to the audience listening to you. And that includes business audiences.
This rich, additional pallet means we experience stories as if they were ‘actually happening to us’. It means we’re invested in the ambition of the protagonist and the outcomes. In stories we are the protagonist. We understand and feel the decisions he or she makes… brave or foolish., and reflect if we would have made the same choices. Especially in horror movies this natural instinct of us is very well (ab)used. This is called ‘Mirroring’ or ‘Neural coupling’. And if you’re sceptical, think about why you cry while watching a movie, even though logic tells you that the story and characters are fictional.
Interestingly, we can only operate one mode at the time.
So you choose how you’d like your business audience to be the next time you need to present to the Board, appear at a Steering Committee, or make your case for your budget proposal:
Do you want to stimulate decision-making through a story where the audience makes choices emotionally (and, to varying degrees, unconsciously). And let their rational thinking justify their decision with supporting facts?
Or…. do you go on presenting data and numbers, because you only want to opt for rational appraisal? The audience is making decisions based on the sec data without any emotion, without any investment in the outcome, and without being swayed to overlook certain perhaps less convincing information you give them?
Hey, it’s your choice.
Don’t let me convince you.
I’m just telling a story.
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It's the bare essential of what a survey is about. And it often gets overlooked. The heart, the promise and meaning of…
Before you can tell any story, anything about your programme or initiative, or present what your team is doing, you…
A well-chosen name is priceless. It gives a sense of energy and ambition. Did you ever think of your CX initiative as…
Good CX Programmes become better by being opposed. However, superb programmes manage to change the opposers themselves.…
Renowned US based research firm Forrester have one of the best podcast series and experts on CX. And I was invited…
So you'll often hear me talk about engaging the organisation. And when I do I'll usually be quick to point out that…
It was an extraordinary experience, even if it was online, there was the feeling of coming home in a group with peers and a very engaging speaker. I learned a lot, was inspired and I could use the tips immediately the day after.Elise Bernaert
VOC Expert, Delaware BeLux
This CX Masterclass was really good, in an amazing venue with great people. I had a lot of fun doing the team exercises. Jaap is a great teacher/speaker. Overall, it's a 10/10 for me, the experience was amazing.Tom Mullender
Reporting Analyst, Booking.com
Yeah! I can definitely recommend this Masterclass to anyone in CX. A ton of inspiration and practical takeouts. And made some CX friends along the way :-DMaartje Reijnders
Customer Experience Manager, Liander
If you want to certify as an CX pro, networking & learn from your peer group and having an intensive CX course? Check the CX Masterclass!Edwin Best
CRM and Customer Experience author
Very inspiring days. Excellent course, good balance between CX theoretical models and academic approach versus pragmatic practical input and actionable tips & tricks. Jaap's experience with boots on the ground is of golden value. Can strongly recommend this CX Masterclass !Bart De Ruysscher
CX Voice of the Customer Manager, Proximus
This training brings all the confidence one need to develop in this field and boost CX and NPS in your company. It really triggers new ideas and points out what you have been doing wrong so far as well, and it also teaches you resilience to make CX a success.
Jaap is re-imagining in a powerful, inspiring and meaningful way. Thereby helping to spread Customer Centricity throughout the organisation!Anja Gehlen
Customer Experience and NPS Performance Manager at E.ON
Still buzzing! Excited to bring it all into practice. Big thanks!Meyke Reitsma
Senior CX Market Researcher, Alliander
I would tell them just do it. Actually did last night. I cannot put a price on the experience but I can tell you it is more than what we paid! Yes you can use this as a testimonial.Eric Kluitenberg
CARE Operations Manager, Vistaprint
The fact that it was all online did not affect the informativeness and the charm of this course. It was exciting, challenging, inspirational and fun. There was always a sense of real communication, so I never felt like sitting alone in my room.Anastasia Ardashova
Product Manager, Glowbyte Consulting
This masterclass was great for having a broad understanding of the basis of CX: highly recommended!!Fulvio Marfoni
Global Knowledge Management Strategies, HP
I know few people with such enthusiasm and energy. Jaap has the skills to listen, translate your thoughts and find that unique element that resonates. Add to this his compelling storytelling and visual strength, and you have a marvelous combination.Marleen Nelemans
Customer Experience Manager at DHL Parcel
If you are looking for a way to accelerate the maturity of your CX programme, then getting Jaap is the best CX investment you can make. He has enabled us to fast track the evolution of our CX program into a business methodology - yielding successful results in one year that normally take 3 years (or longer) to achieve.Elly Domene
Chief of Staff and Global Customer Experience at SES Satellites
A perfect preperation for the CCXP grade!Alex Terpstra
Head of Customer Experience, ABN AMRO
Delighted by these 2 intense days of CX Masterclass in Durbuy! A great opportunity to connect the dots across various CX domains from strategy to execution, from brand promise, communication, organization to cultural change... Very thankful for the many valuable CX insights and great inspirational stories shared by Jaap, and for the outstanding gastronomic journey.Jean-Marc Audoux
Customer journeys portfolio owner, Proximus
This Masterclass was one of the few courses I did that met my expectations. It was fast, fun, with many examples and definitly a lot of expertiseVeddah Veenhoven
Teamlead Facility Operations, ABN AMRO Bank
It were 2 intense days that still resonate. Thanks for the guidance and the inspiration.Mieke Quintyn
Market Research Manager, Proximus
I really loved those 2 intensive days. It was a great mix of fun, interesting content and team activities. I would definitely recommend this Masterclass to other peers.
If you are in a position to join this class take it and thank me later. Jaap has forgotten more about CX and NPS than most professionals will ever know. He has a gift for delivery that helps all his knowledge stick. It is a gold mine of information and invaluable for getting the global certification.Brendan Leece
Sr. Customer Experience Professional, E.ON
If you want a clear overview of all aspects and topics concerning CX this is definitely a must follow!Ellen van Caillie
Customer Experience & Retention Expert, Eneco Belgium
This course is just what you need if you are searching for a program that doesn’t take months of your time but covers everything you need to grow as a CX leader and prepare you for the CCXP exam. It goes fast but it’s a blast.Henk Jager
CX Manager, Cendris
This CX Masterclass makes you more aware of that what you achieve by improving customer experience, besides this it brings so much more fun to your daily job.Debby Jansen
CCO, Levi9
Talk about experience: from a content perspective, to the location, from inspiring storytelling to enabling valuable networking and from sharing your wisdom to make us successful on our road to officially joining the CCXP community, to having heaps of fun… You are truly walking the talk!Tirza Schmidt
Board-commissioned Manager Customer Experience at T-Systems Netherlands
I’m using content from the Masterclass regularly... even when I already knew some content, it was presented in such a cool, engaging way!Louise Foody
Global Head of Digitalisation, Kingspan
Great pressure cooker for CX management if you take your customers seriouslyJan Rozendaal
Customer Experience Healthcare
Just take the class, it will provide the necessary theoretical and strategic background you need to really make a change as a CEX professional.Sylvie Thibo
Customer Experience Expert, Eneco Belgium
Jaap is one of the very few truly original minds! He has more than once helped us rethink our goals.Dr. Wouter Veldhuis
Radiologist at University Medical Center Utrecht
The online CX Masterclass by Jaap was a great experience, full of knowledge, exercises, tips & tricks and fun! It was interesting, practical and absolutely useful. Definitely recommend!Olga Kullander
Process Improvement & Customer Experience Professional, Manpower Russia
Lovely group, engaging stories by Jaap, felt not just learning but entertained. It's awesome and it inspired me to take control, even if my first thought is I have none. I can trust on the logic and depth of the framework and everything I learned during these days to do the right thing in my organization.
I felt so inspired after completing this NPS Masterclass. Jaap is so vibrant and engaging throughout! (... and thank you for introducing me to Rick Astley!)Sarah Rowntree
CX Manager, Kingspan
I have learned a lot about the technology side of things in regards to Customer Experience. Now, this Masterclass allowed me to place that knowledge into a broader strategic view: to understand more about CX structures at organizations, CX Culture, CX Design, CX Measurement, and overall CX strategy. Very excited to take these new learnings and continue with helping organizations to deliver a great experience for their customers!Donia Ibrahimi
Customer Experience Solution Advisor and Design Thinker, SAP
In a world where Zoom has become standard (and I regularly suffer Zoom fatigue) it is a standout that I spent 9 hours+ in a single day in a zoom call AND could have happily / willingly / enthusiastically carried on into the evening. The Masterclass is no doubt a fantastic grounding in all things CX, but it is amazing that this has been delivered online and was still successful in creating human connection amongst fellow pupils. Loved it.Helen Flood
Global Head CX, Kingspan
Just go, learn and have fun, it's worth every penny and every minute!Natasja Seigers
Online marketingadviseur, Will & Co B.V.
Jaap understands how to transform global organisations. His structured programme disciplines means multiple change levers are pulled at just the right time. He appreciates that customer centric thinking is an individual skill and an organisational pillar. Both need to be strengthened, nurtured and developed with an unforgiving drive. Jaap is the powerlifter for Customer Experience.Keith Fletcher
Head of Global NPS, E.ON
To all CX-professionals... If you personally want to grow, in content and skills, you should really take this class to spice it up. I loved the journey, it was totally worth it and an experience in itself.Gerda Swinkels-Legierse
Customer Experience Manager, Grodan
The module on the NPS Role was more like a life coaching session. It was very surprising and definitely GREAT!!!Evgeniy Pimenov
CX Lead, Glowbyte Consulting
For me everything fell into place, exactly what I needed. Interesting and applicable, and none of it boring and dry. The examples really helped to make it stick. Jaap's enthusiasm and vulnerability is super, the location an dinner an absolute joy.
Two things that never gonna happen now: 1. Me stopping to scroll memes at 3:00 in the morning 2. Me disliking the NPS Masterclass from JaapPetr Gonin
Senior Analyst, Glowbyte Consulting
The CX Masterclass helps you to excel as a CX Professional and challenges you in your CX role in your organisation. With a very highly educated and experienced trainer, experiences are shared with real life cases and practical tips you can adopt. And it’s useful and fun to discuss CX topics and challenges with peers.Erica Kroese-Ham
Head of Customer Experience Consultants CX, ABN AMRO Bank
“How to turn the Net Promoter Score© into something adopted in the organisation?”
“How do you get people to want to see your scores and start CX initiatives?”
“How to get energy and interest back into the organisation when it’s used to NPS for years and years now?”
“How are you going to do that? For your colleagues, you’re the expert. But how?
The benefit and pitfall of CX is that it is a lot about… scores. No wonder it is hard to get people excited about it.
CX and NPS have changed considerably last decade. Originally a to be defined field of expertise and a functional metric it is now a full business methodology and an opportunity to create a strategic programme, redesign the organisation and realise an innovative, buzzing, entrepreneurial employee experience.
Your programme can and should be just that. Successful programmes ensure they link all the way from corporate strategy to a compelling vision, embedding a measurement framework that enables a customer dialogue and uncovers tangible insights, vigorously pursues improvements for growth and embeds CX in the company’s business rhythm.
Sounds hard? Yes. And you are the one the organisation looks to. To be the expert. To realise it. From kickstarting and embedding, the strategic vision, aligning stakeholders and engaging the organisation. So yes, that is a lot. A lot.
Get someone on your side with the expertise, and who’s been in your role. Supporting, helping and challenging you. So you can shine and be a CX leader.
Let’s face it. Consultants are the worst. And I personally hate the term. Luckily the typical stuff you’d expect from a consultant is not what I do. I genuinely believe it should be you who is in the spotlights, doing the hard work, solving the puzzles, and reaping the rewards. But you might want to have someone on the side. Someone that can help you, to spar with, to check your approach, or anything else. And that is me.
Because hearing and seeing it is one thing, but actually doing it is something else. As a sparring partner with a track record of actually having been in your role. I want to support you. In designing your approach, exploring your possibilities, and to creating your brilliant presentation everyone talks about. To challenge and coach you so you get more out of your role.
Get Jaap in, for example for:
For when you need someone really good in CX, NPS, Innovation and Business Transformation - PROGRAMME SUPPORT
For when you need help on creating the programme, or something extra on a specific topic - TEAM SUPPORT
For when you want to inspire and take the entire team to a new mindset and way of working - CHALLENGER or BLUEPRINT SESSIONS
When you want to explore and be challenged if your programme or roadmap is the best it can be - MASTERCLASSES, PRESENTATIONS or WORKSHOPS
For when you want to engage the organisation and don’t want to do it yourself
Jaap is re-imagining in a powerful, inspiring and meaningful way. Thereby helping to spread Customer Centricity throughout the organisation!Anja Gehlen
Customer Experience and NPS Performance Manager at E.ON
Jaap understands how to transform global organisations. His structured programme disciplines means multiple change levers are pulled at just the right time. He appreciates that customer centric thinking is an individual skill and an organisational pillar. Both need to be strengthened, nurtured and developed with an unforgiving drive. Jaap is the powerlifter for Customer Experience.Keith Fletcher
Head of Global NPS, E.ON
If you are looking for a way to accelerate the maturity of your CX programme, then getting Jaap is the best CX investment you can make. He has enabled us to fast track the evolution of our CX program into a business methodology - yielding successful results in one year that normally take 3 years (or longer) to achieve.Elly Domene
Chief of Staff and Global Customer Experience at SES Satellites
I know few people with such enthusiasm and energy. Jaap has the skills to listen, translate your thoughts and find that unique element that resonates. Add to this his compelling storytelling and visual strength, and you have a marvelous combination.Marleen Nelemans
Customer Experience Manager at DHL Parcel
Jaap is one of the very few truly original minds! He has more than once helped us rethink our goals.Dr. Wouter Veldhuis
Radiologist at University Medical Center Utrecht
So here’s the number one question I get asked: “How do you make it work in the organisation?” Turning all your expertise, experience, plans and ambitions to tangible success is difficult. All too often I see clever people making clever plans based on clever insights… and yet, the organisation doesn’t listen.
And yet, that is what it is all about. How do you get CX adopted by the organisation? How do you stay clear from engaging in a lot of different activities that, apart from you, no one sees as one cohesive programme? How do you avoid producing ‘office art’ or busying yourself with things the business won’t see or recognise?
To have your CX, VOC or NPS programme sparking a movement, you need to be drawing in more and more parts of the organisation. Not a big bang, but cleverly dripfeeding and getting more and more people rallying behind you. Till that tipping point, where there are more people engaged and invested in what you do than there aren’t.
There is so much to do, it’s hard to realise and covering so much ground. It is overwhelming to take on. So I brought together all my personal findings, experiences, the CX Framework and my real-life practioner’s (hard) lessons learned in one easy model as a helpful guideline in my consultancy.
The Tidal Wave Model covers what you need, incorporating all the essential CX, NPS and Business Storytelling basics. And then it adds how to effectively bring it to life.
The base consists of three main building blocks Strategy & System, Organisation & Change and Culture & Leadership to make sure you cover all the essential elements you need. These range from all the CX Framework pillars, to real-life experiences in corporate life. Like the choice for a software vendor, technical platforms and dashboard. Or stakeholder management and drawing in your peer departments.
The top however is all about how to make it happen in real life. It offers guidelines, tips, tricks and shows how you can create that energy, awareness and movement in your organisation? How to raise your initiative from a number-crunching, feedback-collecting mudbank to an engaging and vibrant programme in your organisation that is about CX, and not about collecting scores.
The model comes with tons of illustrations, real-life examples and anecdotes. In a presentation, Blueprint Session, a Challenger Session, workshop or just over coffee you’ll hear and see how elements worked out perfectly, failed or just happened with sheer luck. Best cases, in-depth knowledge, new developments and novel insights will help you to cover what is needed, avoid pitfalls and create your own renewed approach for your CX initiative.
Is it easy ?
No. It’s hard to get people, teams, business lines to sway. Quite simply, you have to get it right. Even more so as CX, VOC and NPS so easy become touchy-feely-customer-emotionally (a.k.a. “Unicorn Candyland”). So you have to make sure all the solid basics and methodology is undisputable. And then build on to that.
The key to success is to get people to rally behind the story. So it becomes their story. So you need to create a buzzing and entrepreneurial atmosphere in which everyone understands, uses and loves CX, VOC and NPS to realise the best customer experience possible. This model helps you achieve this.
Oh, and this is not pixie dust. It works. Over and over again, creating brilliant programmes with fantastic clients.
So smile, you’re in for a fantastic ride.
By the way… using this approach makes your own role a whole lot better. Imagine you get to spend all day working on a CX Programme that is set up to spark enthusiasm, trigger, nudge, confuse, provoke and make impact. One in which you nurture more and more employees to have fun, feel pride, take up their responsibility and initiate more customer centric activities then you could ever have dreamt of.

Jaap Wilms
Jaap is one of the few very experienced CX and NPS practioners around. He consults businesses all over the world and also leads various global CX and NPS roll-outs for international renowned companies.
Accredited by the CXPA Jaap hosts the popular CX Masterclasses that prepare you for the CCXP Exam and that coveted CCXP title. As one of the only a handful of globally Recognized Training Providers he travels from Moscow to Manchester, Dubai to Delft, and Seattle to Singapore for it. Perhaps you’d like to immerse yourself in the world of NPS and the Loyalty Strategy. Or what about upskilling yourself in Business Storytelling to design your impact in the organisation…
Jaap is also a guest lecturer at some renowned Universities and MBAs where he teaches CX and Strategic Innovation. He is a guest on podcasts (e.g. the Forrester CX podcast), frequents the stage, is Director at the Customer Institute and Chair of Judges at the International CX Awards.
With 23 years of experience in CX and NPS, working and living in several countries, Jaap brings actual real-life experiences to the table. Having been a Customer Experience Leader himself in a large corporate for years – designing, running and modernising a complex NPS programme for multiple countries in Europe and Asia – he knows the unruly business world and the political games played very, very well. Combine that with a broad and in-depth expertise, and an array of surprising, original off-beat knowledge he’s sure to surprise, inspire and support you.
Welcome to the world of experiences (X)!
Get inspired, challenged and learn all about CX, NPS and Business Storytelling. The popular X Masterclasses are given all over the world from Moscow, Seattle, Dubai to Singapore. It fully prepares you for the global CCXP Exam by one of the few official CXPA trainers in the world.
You’re involved in CX. Maybe you measure NPS or you have a VOC programme running. People are looking at you to make it happen. But how? How to get better scores, more results and more engagement? Get someone who’s been in your role. To help you as a sparring partner. To support you. In the background, so you can shine.
You do incredible work. You are unmissable, connect to strategy, to customers, increase value, and more. Yet, the organisation is… only mildly interested. For all your plans and ambitions, you will only succeed by getting the organisation to rally behind you and claim a strong position. Learn to craft your story, create impact and be a leader.
The tipping point is that magic moment when an idea, trend, or social behavior crosses a threshold, tips, and spreads like wildfire.Malcolm Gladwell
People yearn for change, they relish being part of a movement, and they talk about things that are remarkable, not boring.Seth Godin
I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living.Dr. Seuss
That's the whole problem with science. You've got a bunch of empiricists trying to describe things of unimaginable wonder.Bill Watterson
Calvin & Hobbes
Storytellers broaden our minds: engage, provoke, inspire, and ultimately, connect us.Robert Redford
The most basic way to get someone’s attention is this: Break a pattern.Chip and Dan Heath
I am not serving a menu. I am serving a story. I am serving a conversation and I want you to talk back to me.Dominique Crenn
Chef 3 Michelin star restaurant Atelier Crenn, San Francisco
Everyone will think it’s stupid! Everyone says it’s impossible!’ Guess what? Everyone works in the balloon factory and everyone is wrong.Seth Godin
No, no! The adventures first, explanations take such a dreadful time.Lewis Carroll
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
If you want to bring a fundamental change in people’s belief and behavior...you need to create a community around them, where those new beliefs can be practiced and expressed and nurtured.Malcolm Gladwell
Don't bunt. Aim out of the ballpark. Aim for the company of immortals.David Ogilvy
At an unprecedented break-neck pace customers’ behaviour and needs are changing. As a result, companies looking to stay relevant, gain leadership and growth see it as the new battlegrounds. To recognise trends and developments, and adapt them to new possibilities and innovations. A recent study showed an overwhelming sixty-five percent of business executives state the coming three years will be more critical and transformational for their businesses than the past fifty years (!).

It’s Customer Experience that is the inspiring, energetic and vibrant go-to field of expertise to understand this, own this, play into it. Done well, your CX, VOC or NPS initiatives incorporates it all and uses it as fuel for a transformational change. One that involves your organisation’s strategy and brand to brilliant surveys and follow-ups. That optimally designs and changes experiences and services that are better, more impactful and grow revenue. That creates and also nurtures an unrivaled entrepreneurial employee culture. And all of this with a attention to Business Storytelling, a strong narrative to rally the organisation behind you.
No wonder CX and NPS programmes are notoriously tough to get right. But it is not pixie dust. It is doable. Definitely.
So welcome. Feel free to have a look, or reach out for a coffee. Explore how expertise and real-life experience can help you. How business storytelling and off-beat surprising insights will get everyone in your organisation inspired, fired up and involved. Or how the X Masterclasses or a trusted Sparring Partner in the background can help you to grow as a Leader.
You'd like to read more?
The letters on your keyboard are stupid. They seem to be arranged completely at random. But are they? There's a…
It's the bare essential of what a survey is about. And it often gets overlooked. The heart, the promise and meaning of…
Before you can tell any story, anything about your programme or initiative, or present what your team is doing, you…
A well-chosen name is priceless. It gives a sense of energy and ambition. Did you ever think of your CX initiative as…
Good CX Programmes become better by being opposed. However, superb programmes manage to change the opposers themselves.…
Renowned US based research firm Forrester have one of the best podcast series and experts on CX. And I was invited…
So you'll often hear me talk about engaging the organisation. And when I do I'll usually be quick to point out that…
For me everything fell into place, exactly what I needed. Interesting and applicable, and none of it boring and dry. The examples really helped to make it stick. Jaap's enthusiasm and vulnerability is super, the location an dinner an absolute joy.
Very inspiring days. Excellent course, good balance between CX theoretical models and academic approach versus pragmatic practical input and actionable tips & tricks. Jaap's experience with boots on the ground is of golden value. Can strongly recommend this CX Masterclass !Bart De Ruysscher
CX Voice of the Customer Manager, Proximus
This course is just what you need if you are searching for a program that doesn’t take months of your time but covers everything you need to grow as a CX leader and prepare you for the CCXP exam. It goes fast but it’s a blast.Henk Jager
CX Manager, Cendris
I felt so inspired after completing this NPS Masterclass. Jaap is so vibrant and engaging throughout! (... and thank you for introducing me to Rick Astley!)Sarah Rowntree
CX Manager, Kingspan
Yeah! I can definitely recommend this Masterclass to anyone in CX. A ton of inspiration and practical takeouts. And made some CX friends along the way :-DMaartje Reijnders
Customer Experience Manager, Liander
I have learned a lot about the technology side of things in regards to Customer Experience. Now, this Masterclass allowed me to place that knowledge into a broader strategic view: to understand more about CX structures at organizations, CX Culture, CX Design, CX Measurement, and overall CX strategy. Very excited to take these new learnings and continue with helping organizations to deliver a great experience for their customers!Donia Ibrahimi
Customer Experience Solution Advisor and Design Thinker, SAP
The online CX Masterclass by Jaap was a great experience, full of knowledge, exercises, tips & tricks and fun! It was interesting, practical and absolutely useful. Definitely recommend!Olga Kullander
Process Improvement & Customer Experience Professional, Manpower Russia
It was an extraordinary experience, even if it was online, there was the feeling of coming home in a group with peers and a very engaging speaker. I learned a lot, was inspired and I could use the tips immediately the day after.Elise Bernaert
VOC Expert, Delaware BeLux
To all CX-professionals... If you personally want to grow, in content and skills, you should really take this class to spice it up. I loved the journey, it was totally worth it and an experience in itself.Gerda Swinkels-Legierse
Customer Experience Manager, Grodan
Jaap is re-imagining in a powerful, inspiring and meaningful way. Thereby helping to spread Customer Centricity throughout the organisation!Anja Gehlen
Customer Experience and NPS Performance Manager at E.ON
Just take the class, it will provide the necessary theoretical and strategic background you need to really make a change as a CEX professional.Sylvie Thibo
Customer Experience Expert, Eneco Belgium
This masterclass was great for having a broad understanding of the basis of CX: highly recommended!!Fulvio Marfoni
Global Knowledge Management Strategies, HP
It were 2 intense days that still resonate. Thanks for the guidance and the inspiration.Mieke Quintyn
Market Research Manager, Proximus
I would tell them just do it. Actually did last night. I cannot put a price on the experience but I can tell you it is more than what we paid! Yes you can use this as a testimonial.Eric Kluitenberg
CARE Operations Manager, Vistaprint
Just go, learn and have fun, it's worth every penny and every minute!Natasja Seigers
Online marketingadviseur, Will & Co B.V.
Jaap is one of the very few truly original minds! He has more than once helped us rethink our goals.Dr. Wouter Veldhuis
Radiologist at University Medical Center Utrecht
The fact that it was all online did not affect the informativeness and the charm of this course. It was exciting, challenging, inspirational and fun. There was always a sense of real communication, so I never felt like sitting alone in my room.Anastasia Ardashova
Product Manager, Glowbyte Consulting
Lovely group, engaging stories by Jaap, felt not just learning but entertained. It's awesome and it inspired me to take control, even if my first thought is I have none. I can trust on the logic and depth of the framework and everything I learned during these days to do the right thing in my organization.
Talk about experience: from a content perspective, to the location, from inspiring storytelling to enabling valuable networking and from sharing your wisdom to make us successful on our road to officially joining the CCXP community, to having heaps of fun… You are truly walking the talk!Tirza Schmidt
Board-commissioned Manager Customer Experience at T-Systems Netherlands
This Masterclass was one of the few courses I did that met my expectations. It was fast, fun, with many examples and definitly a lot of expertiseVeddah Veenhoven
Teamlead Facility Operations, ABN AMRO Bank
In a world where Zoom has become standard (and I regularly suffer Zoom fatigue) it is a standout that I spent 9 hours+ in a single day in a zoom call AND could have happily / willingly / enthusiastically carried on into the evening. The Masterclass is no doubt a fantastic grounding in all things CX, but it is amazing that this has been delivered online and was still successful in creating human connection amongst fellow pupils. Loved it.Helen Flood
Global Head CX, Kingspan
I really loved those 2 intensive days. It was a great mix of fun, interesting content and team activities. I would definitely recommend this Masterclass to other peers.
Great pressure cooker for CX management if you take your customers seriouslyJan Rozendaal
Customer Experience Healthcare
This CX Masterclass was really good, in an amazing venue with great people. I had a lot of fun doing the team exercises. Jaap is a great teacher/speaker. Overall, it's a 10/10 for me, the experience was amazing.Tom Mullender
Reporting Analyst, Booking.com
This training brings all the confidence one need to develop in this field and boost CX and NPS in your company. It really triggers new ideas and points out what you have been doing wrong so far as well, and it also teaches you resilience to make CX a success.
If you want to certify as an CX pro, networking & learn from your peer group and having an intensive CX course? Check the CX Masterclass!Edwin Best
CRM and Customer Experience author
The module on the NPS Role was more like a life coaching session. It was very surprising and definitely GREAT!!!Evgeniy Pimenov
CX Lead, Glowbyte Consulting
If you are looking for a way to accelerate the maturity of your CX programme, then getting Jaap is the best CX investment you can make. He has enabled us to fast track the evolution of our CX program into a business methodology - yielding successful results in one year that normally take 3 years (or longer) to achieve.Elly Domene
Chief of Staff and Global Customer Experience at SES Satellites
A perfect preperation for the CCXP grade!Alex Terpstra
Head of Customer Experience, ABN AMRO
Still buzzing! Excited to bring it all into practice. Big thanks!Meyke Reitsma
Senior CX Market Researcher, Alliander
This CX Masterclass makes you more aware of that what you achieve by improving customer experience, besides this it brings so much more fun to your daily job.Debby Jansen
CCO, Levi9
The CX Masterclass helps you to excel as a CX Professional and challenges you in your CX role in your organisation. With a very highly educated and experienced trainer, experiences are shared with real life cases and practical tips you can adopt. And it’s useful and fun to discuss CX topics and challenges with peers.Erica Kroese-Ham
Head of Customer Experience Consultants CX, ABN AMRO Bank
If you want a clear overview of all aspects and topics concerning CX this is definitely a must follow!Ellen van Caillie
Customer Experience & Retention Expert, Eneco Belgium
I’m using content from the Masterclass regularly... even when I already knew some content, it was presented in such a cool, engaging way!Louise Foody
Global Head of Digitalisation, Kingspan
Two things that never gonna happen now: 1. Me stopping to scroll memes at 3:00 in the morning 2. Me disliking the NPS Masterclass from JaapPetr Gonin
Senior Analyst, Glowbyte Consulting
I know few people with such enthusiasm and energy. Jaap has the skills to listen, translate your thoughts and find that unique element that resonates. Add to this his compelling storytelling and visual strength, and you have a marvelous combination.Marleen Nelemans
Customer Experience Manager at DHL Parcel
If you are in a position to join this class take it and thank me later. Jaap has forgotten more about CX and NPS than most professionals will ever know. He has a gift for delivery that helps all his knowledge stick. It is a gold mine of information and invaluable for getting the global certification.Brendan Leece
Sr. Customer Experience Professional, E.ON
Delighted by these 2 intense days of CX Masterclass in Durbuy! A great opportunity to connect the dots across various CX domains from strategy to execution, from brand promise, communication, organization to cultural change... Very thankful for the many valuable CX insights and great inspirational stories shared by Jaap, and for the outstanding gastronomic journey.Jean-Marc Audoux
Customer journeys portfolio owner, Proximus
Jaap understands how to transform global organisations. His structured programme disciplines means multiple change levers are pulled at just the right time. He appreciates that customer centric thinking is an individual skill and an organisational pillar. Both need to be strengthened, nurtured and developed with an unforgiving drive. Jaap is the powerlifter for Customer Experience.Keith Fletcher
Head of Global NPS, E.ON

Jaap Wilms
Jaap is one of the few very experienced CX and NPS practioners around. He consults businesses all over the world and also leads various global CX and NPS roll-outs for international renowned companies.
Accredited by the CXPA Jaap hosts the popular CX Masterclasses that prepare you for the CCXP Exam and that coveted CCXP title. As one of the only a handful of globally Recognized Training Providers he travels from Moscow to Manchester, Dubai to Delft, and Seattle to Singapore for it. Perhaps you’d like to immerse yourself in the world of NPS and the Loyalty Strategy. Or what about upskilling yourself in Business Storytelling to design your impact in the organisation…
Jaap is also a guest lecturer at some renowned Universities and MBAs where he teaches CX and Strategic Innovation. He is a guest on podcasts (e.g. the Forrester CX podcast), frequents the stage, is Director at the Customer Institute and Chair of Judges at the International CX Awards.
With 23 years of experience in CX and NPS, working and living in several countries, Jaap brings actual real-life experiences to the table. Having been a Customer Experience Leader himself in a large corporate for years – designing, running and modernising a complex NPS programme for multiple countries in Europe and Asia – he knows the unruly business world and the political games played very, very well. Combine that with a broad and in-depth expertise, and an array of surprising, original off-beat knowledge he’s sure to surprise, inspire and support you.